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Work at Home with Seeing Angels Two by Two

Today I attended a webinar (online web seminar) about a company called Seeing Angels Two by Two. I have a few things to point out, suggest, and discuss about this company. It sounds like a great offer. The whole deal with Seeing Angels Two by Two is that they help you get hired with an online work at home company called Arise, which, in turn, assists a wide variety of other companies (inbound selling, outbound calls, chat lines, etc.) in finding great employees. If that doesn't make sense then it's sort of like:

SA2B2 --> Arise -> Many employers > WORK!

How Seeing Angels Two by Two Works:

It's very simple to get some assistance through the SA2B2 company. A quick email with you basic information and declaration of interest will begin a process. They will send you links, help you when you're stuck, guide you through the Arise material, and even can help reduce costs* on getting hired with Arise. Once you've gone through the SA2B2 hoops then you're pretty much in to be hired by a company that goes through Arise--well, after a quick background check that will cost you only $10.

What the Pay is Like:

Pay varies by which company you choose to apply for through Arise. The average pay wage is well above minimum wage and you can expect to earn pretty decent money in you first year of work from these virtual call centers and otherwise. Some companies pay in the teens of dollars while others will pay $9 or so. It varies, is all, and you can easily inquire about each position and the usual pay rates before going through the whole process.

Wait...What's the Catch?

The catch is something that needs to be said right away and very clearly. Seeing Angels Two by Two had a great webinar tonight; however, there were some red flags that make me, personally, uneasy about this opportunity. I will list them out so that you can decide for yourself about this possible home income opportunity:

1. There was a lot of errors on the pages presented during the meeting. Maybe I'm just being picky but some of the lines were absolutely hilarious or just didn't make any sense. I actually took some screen captures of this mess so that I could have a good giggle later about my work at home adventures. I'm talking, horrible spelling, grammar, and punctuation meets Chinglish. There were spaces where spaces didn't belong. Commas were periods should go. Heck, there was even one sentence jumble so clue no suppose that was people (or, rather: that was so jumbled you had no clue what it was suppose to say). My thinking is this: If you can't spend enough time proofreading the material you're about to present me with then why would I expect to be treated professionally by you?

2. I'm not entirely sure how Seeing Angels Two by Two get paid. They mentioned a referral bonus for signing up people under you once you get hired on by Arise. I take this as meaning that SA2B2 also get paid to refer you. Now, it's possible that they're just in it for the referral money. They refer a thousand people and they're sure to get paid some when a few hundred sign-up, if you get what I'm saying. I can't say that's how it works, but it sure seems like it from this angle.

*3. Someone mentioned the decreased cost in going through Seeing Angels Two by Two instead of directly through Arise. At first it sounded like you got a great cost relief from this company, but, later, it sounded like you didn't get any extra-special cost reductions or benefits other than some helpful advice when filling out online forms for Arise. This leads me to think that maybe they're giving answers to people who are filling out assessments on the Arise site so that a person can get hired and they will get a referral fee. I have no idea.

There is also the fact that you are an independent contractor and not an actual employee. This is perfectly fine for most people. I have no problem with this. I'm just kind of confused why I need to be referred to be referred to a legitimate company then, right? I mean, SA2B2 will refer me to Arise who will, then, refer me to a reputable company for employment. I guess if it works then it works. For note, this opportunity is not available to Filipinos to anyone currently residing in the Philippines.

Note: I am not saying Seeing Angels Two by Two is a scam by any means. I am only saying I'm not sure if it's really beneficial to go through this company to get hired by Arise.

Sign-Up and Join Seeing Angels Two By Two:

It's always good to have someone on your side when you're filling out job applications and assessments. It doesn't cost anything extra to apply through SA2B2 to Arise so, in a way, there is nothing to lose. They are well-acquainted with Arise and can offer a lot of advice and suggestions about the application process, fees, and current rates for applications. If you're interested in sending in a resume or application to Seeing Angels Two By Two then follow the link here to get started working at home. I know that SA2B2 said something about being in business for the past 3 or 5 years and that Arise has been at it for more than 12 years so that gives them some credibility. Check it out if you're curious though!


  1. I have found The Angels folks to be much more helpful than the arise group and they acturally DO answer calls and emails very promptly. I am still in training and must say there are some serious hoops to jump thru with arise, and a TON of time commitment.
    I know Arise says it is because they only want great ppl , but the fact is it is either out- source call centers to Americans willing to train for no money or send the work overseas.

    I guess this says more abut the economy and business than the Angels group who seem very interested in helping folks thru the process.

    I can't say I love all the aspects of what is required but I am willing to give it a shot

    1. Cut Out ,the middle man ( seeing angels two by two) unless you like giving 10% of your earnings away! I can't believe there are so many of you willing to give up 10% of your hard earned money! There is no more benifits to you working for Seeing Angels Two by Two. They will make you think there is , but there is not! You can easily work directly for Arise! All you need is a business lic. and a corperation (LLC). Most people don't want to bother, but it's easy , it's only around hundred dollars each. A lots cheaper than giving up 10% of your money every week! I'm not profiting from telling you this nor benifiting! Most of the blogs that are good on this company are by former agents that are now district managers that is getting part of the 10% of your money ! Do the home work! I'm the brother of Ms Ginger Whitley CEO /owner of Seeing Angels Two by Two. I'm tired of seeing her mistreat people that has worked for her. She is very good with words! She can menipulate just about anyone. She gets what she wants out of you, and then will kick you to the curb like garbage ! I'm going to shut you down Sis. You need not to lose where you came from. If it wasn't for our mom inquiring about Arise 11 or so years ago and doing all the leg work to get you started Seeing Angels would not exist today. Stop misteating everyone . I'm not giving up on taking you down! Threaten me all you won't ! Quit filling peoples heads with bull, or what sounds good for the minute.

    2. Travis,
      You are correct. Anyone can establish their own corporation under Arise. This information is given out each time a new CSP inquires on joining. We help existing CSP's transfer to their own Independent Business if and when they are ready to do so. Working under a Premier Partner with Arise does have it's benefits such has the knowledge, one on one contacts,special discounts and vouchers. The CSP also doesn't have to worry about the business side such establishing the corporation, corporation fees and taxes and normally you have to keep a minimum balance in a business checking account.

  2. I have issues with any company who want you to fork over at least 100 dollars to ANY company before you can get a job.

    As far as I'm concerned, this is a scam of the highest order.

  3. I read there are fees of $19.75 which comes directly out of your check twice a month. These fees go directly towards the company involved. Does anyone know if you get paid weekly with angles or not? Does anyone know about these fees? That can add up.

  4. Yes, it is true that Angels takes a $19.75 fee from every pay period. You are paid on the 15th and last day of each month, if these days fall on a holiday/weekend you are paid on the following business day.

    I am glad I am not the only one who noticed all the typos. I find it amusing when a company seeks professionalism but is lacking in it themselves. Furthermore, upon examining the Terms of Conditions contract, I found the agreement to be very one-sided. While you are expected to jump through hoops as far as taking classes, having office equipment meeting their specifications, there is no guarantee you will get work. Furthermore, if you terminate this 12 month contract before the end of the agreement, you will forfeit 50% of your last paycheck and may not work for any other call center for two years.

    This is absolutely draconian to say the least. Furthermore, I am not at all sure it is legal to keep wages someone has earned, perhaps, only if you agree in advance but I think it quite sleazy. These people have not invested a cent in you. You, on the other hand, must become an LLC or incorporate, purchase liability insurance, invest in a headset, a land line (no VOIPs), have a computer meeting their specs, pay for a background check, pay for training even just to be eligible for work. Depending on your current home office set-up, the fees of incorporation charged by your state and legal fees, when all is said and done you will easily spend $500.00 to possibly over a $1000.00 to set yourself up in business. There is no way you will get started with this organization for less than $500.00 out of pocket.

    This is all for a job (no guarantee they will have assignments for you) that MAY pay somewhere between $10.00 and $14.00 per hour. Even at $14.00 an hour, before taxes and the twice monthly deduction, you will have to work approximately 71 hours to recoup a $1,000.00 investment.

    I am sorry, when I add up all of their demands from you, the subcontractor, and what they are offering in return, it just doesn't add up. I have yet to find a work at home organization that is not exploiting a lot of unemployed people desperate for work. Remember you have absolutely no benefits, you are on your own, your equipment breaks you must fix or replace it, you pay must pay for your health insurance, the phone, home office expenses etc. Yes, you will probably pay very little in taxes but you also earn a very modest income. Think long and hard before leaping!

    1. Thank you so much. You just saved me a big headache looking for Seeing Angels on Scam Alert etc. You gave one of the best reviews I could have ever asked for. Would somebody Plz. tell me where an HONEST WORK AT HOME ORGANIZATION can be found. Everything I, too have run across has been scams. Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of tripping over all the fraudulent companies. HELP!!!

    2. This is not a scam! I've been with them for 4 years and have serviced Disney out of my home!

    3. I can assure you this is no scam. Seeing Angels has subcontracted with Arise for 6 years and is one of the leading IBO's. We have agents that have been with us from the start and we add new agents everyday.

    4. Why do I have to pay Angels....Just go to Arise and work for them. They say now there are Health and Dental insurance,raises,bonus's. Does anyone know about there benefits???

  5. If you have received emails/paperwork from Seeing Angels, please READ it in its entirety. The emails are very informative and the policies and procedures are right in front of you in black and white:

    “Agents under Seeing Angels Two by Two work as sub-contractors and therefore receive a 1099 at year’s end; Seeing Angels does not withhold taxes. Agents are paid by direct deposit, twice a month. Arise charges a service fee of $19.75 per pay-period from each agent. This fee is deducted from earnings and paid directly to Arise by Seeing Angels.”

    The referral bonus that Seeing Angels offers is strictly a special running within the company, weather Arise is running the special or not, therefore, it is coming directly from the Seeing Angels account.

    The “hoops” that have been referred to are directly from Arise, not Seeing Angels. Any of the “investments” that may need to made “liability insurance, invest in a headset, a land line (no VOIPs), have a computer meeting their specs, pay for a background check, pay for training even just to be eligible for work.”, again, directly from Arise, not Seeing Angels.

    Also, if you are signing on with Seeing Angels to partner with Arise, you do NOT need to incorporate or for an LLC, this is also listed in the email sent out.

    “Seeing Angels Two by Two has earned a Super Master Service agreement with Arise and we are the leading Super VCS in the country! Working for a Super VSC offers numerous advantages over working directly for Arise, such as:

    - Saving you from the hassle of incorporating and filing quarterly business taxes.
    - Giving you more opportunity to work with the client of your choice.
    - Having someone working on your side and supporting you.
    - Giving you the ability to work with other agents.”

    I have attended one of their webinars, I did notice a few “oops” here and there but we are all human. The best way to address those concerns would be to send an email to the company expressing your observations.

    Signing on under Seeing Angels is less financially straining; you do not have the initial expenses of incorporating or the annual expenses of keep the business going (business taxes, business licenses, income tax preparation, annual renewal fees, matching your employee taxes etc.) not to mention the hassle of it all.

    As far as the fees; the Background check fee is paid directly to US Search, neither to Arise nor Seeing Angels (this is an outside source and they set their own price), the ACP101 price and specials are set by Arise as and the client certification courses are set by the client.

    “Generally speaking, agents willing to invest in their career are more committed to making their career successful!”

    As a contracted worker you are responsible for your training (just like college). You can claim the fees on your 1099 taxes and get that money back.

    When you work outside of your home, you do pay to work...gas, more car maintenance (oil change, tires etc), proper attire, most people eat lunch out when they work outside of the home also, commute time etc. As all of these fees are ongoing fees as long as you are working outside of your home; the fees to get started with Seeing Angels/Arise are one time start up costs that you get back once your taxes are filed. :)"

    I have accrued all of this information from paying attention and asking questions. I have always been able to get in touch with an Angel as needed and in a timely manner might I add! I hope all of this information helps!

  6. Why are my comments being removed?

  7. Oops! It looks like your comments were automatically marked as "spam" in the blog, Anonymous! I'm unsure why but do apologize about that. I'll go through and mark them as "non-spam" though.

  8. Well, guys I went through all the training with Arise (not through Angel) and it took me days! Everytime I finished a section of work, I was cheered on by the folks at Arise, saying what a good job I was doing. I went allllllll the way to the end AND THEY DID NOT OFFER ME A JOB! So, why did I do so well on all the testing and then not get a job offer? Well, I will tell you.
    I get a job offer about once a week from Arise doing something I have told them that I have no experience in doing. The last offer, today, was to be a "gaming expert tech support" for something I have never heard of. I DO NOT PLAY GAMES AND HAD NO INTEREST IN HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH ALL THE GAMES but Arise told me today that I was such an "EXPERT" they wanted to offer me this job. I have been offered positions that I do not have a clue what they are and not offered any positions that I originally took all the tests for. It just does not make sense to me. I hope this helps others and I really don't know what it is like to work for Arise but the job offers I'm getting have not impressed me at all.(by the way, I have no problem passing a credit check or background check)

    1. AMEN, boy did you kit the "scam" right on the head. My sister BOTH went through all the background checks, ACP 101 or their basic training, trained for months through the holiday season (didn't even go home for Christmas) and by the end of the training were supossedly experiencing so many technical issues with their computers, phone systems, etc., that they were not able to go to work to service the client they trained for. Can't remember what my second sister trained for but older sister trained for Intuit (Turbo Tax) got scores into the 90's on her exams and still NOT working. Come on folks. This is a SCAM of the worst kind. Arise you should be ashamed. Worst yet is the fact that they cannot get anyone to talk to them at Arise. They have 32 emails to different folks all over the so-called company and each one tells them they need to contact someone else. Does it not seem odd that they cannot have the "correct person" contact you by forwarding it to the appropriate person. SCAM SCAM SCAM SHAME SHAME SHAME. I for one intend to tell anyone that will listen and hopefully spare them what my sisters have gone through.

    2. We are sorry you guys fill this way about Arise. This is one of the benefits of working with a Premier Partner. We can usually get all situation taken care of. Arise is a great asset to those wanting the opportunity to work home.

    3. I had a awful experience with the supposed premier partner. They kept my first check claiming it was to small to deposit after the fee is was nearly $50 which might not sound like a lot it was to me. I earned it not them and wanted to take my family out to dinner to celebrate earning a real check from home the refuse. They also didn't include it with my next 1 either. I worked for them for 6mths before I found out my client paid better than they do and I was never told.

      Then they had the audacity to keep my last check as well over $200. They are dishonest unkind people that care more about money than people.


  9. I personally work for Seeing Angels and the process you go through with Arise is to see if you qualify. Once you're with a VSC such as SATBT, you receive client opportunities. I would suggest joining/ getting hired by a Super VSC before starting your own because it is stressful and SATBT eliminates that part of the Arise process. The whole process took almost a week because I was really thinking about it before I made my decision, but the ACP101 course (after the assessment and background check)took me one day. Arise states this is a business opportunity not a job with a Arise.

    1. I am wondering why if you work for SATBT and are soooo happy there, why you chose not to sing their praises by telling us who you are? It is absolute crap that the process with Arise is to see if you qualify. Why couldn't you just do that through SATBT. The process is the same. If you qualify for one wouldn't you qualify for another? My mistake was in forming a corportation since there were about a dozen of us in my family interested in working for Arise so it made more sense to do so. Since we were already a VSC what was the issue? And you are correct in reminding that ARise DOES tell you over and over (should have been a red flag) that this is not a promise for employment, but a a business OPPORTUNITY. HaHa, I guess the opportunity may exist, chances are you are just not gonna be one of the lucky few that are afforded that opportunity. PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD FOLKS AND RUN DON'T WALK AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THIS ""OPPORTUNITY."" I tried to sign in with my Google account and could not because I want this to be a legitimate post. So if anyone wants to contact me feel free. I would love to talk to you if you have a legitimate contribution.

    2. I tried contacting and received this response

      Inbox >
      (Automatic Response) Re: : I would love to speak with you
      From: (Add as Preferred Sender)
      Date: Fri, Aug 17, 2012 10:12 am
      Hello, I am away until 09/03/2010 and am unable to read your message.

  10. Hi, I am considering signing up with SA2B2, but I was concerned with both their "F" Rating with the BBB and the fact that their clients only give 90 day assignments. So if the client decides that they don't want to work with you after 90 days they you have to re-certify and pay out another clients fees just to continue working. It seems like a huge risk to pay out for your background check, certification and then for training with arise and then have no guarantee of employment or that you will have continued employment after 90 days. Has anyone else thought that this could be just a pyramid scheme Arise gets SA2B2 to get money from you, SA2B2 keeps a cut and Arise keeps a cut and to keep the cycle going they can either take your money and not offer you a position or take your money and then the client doesn't want you back after 90 days so the cycle starts all over again. Is this just a case of you scratch my back I'll scratch yours or is this a for real legitimate job offer? I need all of the advice I can get before I make a huge mistake. Thanks

    1. Please know the "F" rating was due to the industry of the job itself "working from home". As you could see there were no complaints. The scams that are out there make it hard for legit work from companies. We have been working with the BBB for the last 3 years and finally have an A rating. Please know that all fees are paid directly to Arise, Seeing Angels receives no part of this. Those CSP's that attend their certification schedule and learns there client have no issues certifying. We've been with Arise for 6 years and have had very few not certify. All of the information as far as admissions and client certification is given upfront from Arise.

  11. You should never pay for a job. And what do he need 19.95 out of each paycheck for. They collect from both sides, and if you are hired by one of their clients, you are still paying finders fee. Does not sound right to me. Being an Indepen. Contractor, means that they can drop you anytime they see fit.

    1. Arise states this is a business opportunity not a job.

  12. Someone on this page mentioned a 12 month contract with SATBT which if broken, you would lose 50% of your last paycheck and can't service another call center for 2 years. Is this a contract with Arise or directly between you and SATBT? What if you only work a 90 day contract and are no renewed? Not sure I understand the 12 month contract. Anyone know?

    1. Please know that Arise and Seeing Angels does not have a contract term.

  13. Be careful....I know about this company and that is all I'm going to post. I would find legit employment that's stable.

    1. We aren't real sure what this means, but I think being partnered with Arise for 6 years, having an A rating with the BBB and receiving the Partner of the Year Award says we are very stable.

  14. I can appreciate the original posting, but want to suggest you do your own proof reading prior to posting... you wrote were when it should have been where :) Glass houses ;) ;)

  15. this company is a rip off i have not recieve my fist cheack from seeing -devils- two by two and it is very upsetting they have even went as far as putting my call on block however arise is a great compay that they work for and it may be in your best intrest to just partner your self to arise because each hour that you work under seeing angels they take at least two dollars of your money! thats right people if you were making 10 dollars an hour from arise you will now be only making 8 an hour if you partner with this horrible comany take it from me dont do it!!!!!

    1. You would be who? I love all these

    2. Please know that all of our CSP's are paid twice a month. We handle all pay concerns with the utmost respect.

  16. Thank you all very much for the information. I just happen to answer an ad on a website for employment in my field. They sent me an application to fill out, and when I read the terms of employment, I decided to check them out. Luckily, I found all your posts. I will not be faxing my application. I need steady work, pay, and benefits. This doesn't seem to work for me at all. Again, thank you all for your posts.

    1. You get what you put in it

    2. Please know that this is a business opportunity. Agents willing to invest in their career are more committed to making their career successful.

  17. I kow of someone who does this and loves it. She is making money, of course she is a DM. I am looking into signing on,but after reading all these posts, I have some reservations.

    1. I hope you have more than just reservations. If you have a friend who works for them in any capacity and she wants you to work for them she is no friend! Of course she is making money. Arise is making a fortune from all of the classes they "require" that you take and PAY FOR UP FRONT I MIGHT ADD! I saw somewhere on an earlier post that your fees are refuned to you for the classes. BULL****. They will sometimes allow you to defer a small portion of the payment until you actually begin working but that is such a minimal amount that it is laughable. Almost all of the so-called "opportunities" that you pay for before you begin training and always upon enrollment cost you between $200. and $300. Some of the opportunities promise you a bonus if you begin working on the account the first day after you finish training and continue through until the contract with them ends, but I have YET to find anyone who has actually received that bonus. This is a SCAM to get you to attend their online classes and nothing more. Somehow they manage to put very few people to work once they have completed training. You are ALWAYS WARNED that you are NOT to contact any of the clients that you service directly. Sound as shady to you as it does to me?

    2. I've been an ACP for 4 years and love it!! Yes I'm paid and yes I receive my bonuses. I even got a voucher for my class so hardly nothing out of pocket!!

    3. We can't speak for Arise, but we do offer promotions as far as refunding upfront certification cost. We have CSP's averaging $10-$18 a hour working out of their house. If bonuses are offered bonuses are paid.

  18. I've read a ton of negative reviews on this particular LLC, but there are other choices. You can be your own corp and work through arise, or my VSC is tell him Talena sent you if you decide to go through him (I totally get a bonus :P) and I will attest to his awesomeness. Fees are fair. Pay comes in fast, and he pays you by the clients contract, not some weird hourly pay where he is actually keeping like $4 an hour for your hard work.
    After a LOT of research on them, he's the one I chose to stay with. I ended up going ot him after a friend who works through him got me to follow her,a nd I'll be staying for, probably, ever.

    1. Wow! Talk about a partnership

    2. Talena, I'm glad to hear that you have found an IBO you're happy with that's all that matters.

    3. Talena,

      Please know that there are negative talk about most all IB's, especially the larger ones. Most of the talk is false and comes from unhappy CSP's. I'm glad you're happy with your decision, but please know that speaking bad about things you aren't fully aware of is wrong and I'm sure your IB principle would disapprove.

  19. I worked with Seeing Angels Two by Two for an entire year before I found out, by accident, that they had been paying me less than what Arise contracts for directly. Come to find out, if you sign up for Arise through them, you no longer have access to the true pay rate information that is available to the rest of the Arise population.

    If Seeing Angels would have been upfront about their business practice of skimming a cut off the top of each one of my paychecks, maybe identifying it as a "subcontractor fee" or something – I could have at least claimed it as a business expense on my taxes. This may have been something I would have actually agreed to - had I been informed. But I was not informed. There is no question that they (successfully) hid this fact from me, and my attempts to discuss it with one of the owners were pointedly ignored. Needless to say, I simply worked out the rest of my agreement, and quit.

    So in the spirit of helping other unsuspecting and trusting souls, I would advise against aligning yourself with SATBT. Overall, I found this company to be lacking. In warmth, professionalism, honesty (obviously), and I couldn’t even call them a support system in any way, as I really received nothing from them. And neither will you. Their main motivation is to get you pushed through the Arise system, at your expense, and they will then merely piggy-back on your hard work for the extent of your “partnership”.

    So if you’re researching work at home, I would by-pass this one. There are other options out there for at-home work, choices that can come from legitimate and honorable companies. Unfortunately, Seeing Angels Two By Two may be considered “legitimate” on paper, but my experience with them has proved that they are by no means honorable. You can do better. I finally did :)

    1. We are happy you've moved on and found an IB you like, but please know that if you are not the owner than IB is paying you as well. Please know that when you contract under ANY existing IB that IB is responsible for paying you, not Arise. Any and all information is given upfront as far as pay for the clients.

  20. Please contact Seeing Angels yourself. I don't think they would still be one of the top VSC's if they were as bad as some of these disgruntled contractors are leading you to believe.

    1. Your not very smart at all ,how much is she paying you ? Stay with them long enough and you will find out! Ginger Whitley will use you up take your money and kick you to the curb!

  21. Seeing Angels Two by Two7/11/2012 10:45 PM

    Work directly for Arise. Cut out Seeing AnglesTwo byTwo. They are the middle people. All you need is a business lic.,and corperation,aprox,$100. Each. They make it sound fancy and Ginger Whitley is a smooth talker and bull crapper. Buy contracting with them they are getting 10% of your money! How do I know this? I'm her brother.Travis Smith , You people are making her and Becky Davis RICH!!!!!$$$$$$

    1. Travis,
      Yes you’re correct anyone can open their own business and work for Arise however, the benefit of working under a premier partner vs. IBO is as a newly established IBO you have lack of resources and knowledge to be able to provide the CSP’s with the assistance that they need. In the event of Major issues such as SOW, Payroll, invoices, metrics these issues can usually be resolved within the day due to the relationship that Arise and their Premier Partners have. As far as the money that it cost to start your own business you could be correct $100.00 or more in some states however, you failed to mention the FACT that this is a yearly expense along with corporate taxes and fees. As well as when you go to open a business account with your finical institution of choice they typically require that you as a business keep a minimum balance. I’m truly saddened that your feel the need to represent yourself as a family member. After all is this how family treats each other?

    2. Clearly you can post on here with any name as our company DID NOT make the remark above. Travis has we've stated in previous post you are correct on saying anyone can create their own IB. This information is not new and is known to all CSP's.

  22. I've been with SATBT for 4 years. Their's a reason why SATBT are Arise's Partner of the Year . People will have their opinions, and the two above mentioned they went through ARISE and were "Scammed" , then were not offered a position. You were not scammed you simply didn't QUALIFY to Arises standards . . . You should have saught out help from a VSC to get your through the ins and outs of the "Process" . Anyway, That's what we are here for . not to "Take your money" But to give you a chance to make your own in the end how does $19.75 compare to the savings you're getting? Example: NO COMMUTE , NO TAXES taken out (Until the end of year). I think we can all admit that you're saving more than we're "taking" . Everything comes with a price in life . Ginger is an AMAZING person who would help anyone if they needed it . I'm sorry some of you felt that you did not receive the attention you needed . For anyone else interested in our company please understand these reviews are in others opinions. Not knowing their "Situation" can help you make a better judgement call when choosing whether to join our company or not . Thanks and we appreciate our agents, prospective agents and all of your comments :)

  23. Ok guys, I know it seems a bit much, but I have been with arise for 4 1/2 years and I do agree having someone help you through it is the best thing for anyone. Don't know us out of the box, it's not like we don't let applicants know in the beginning of the process that they have the option to start their own business, and as long as we are upfront and honest and the people agree, that is absolutely not manipulation. Just remember the plans we have others especially the wrong plans they tend to wrap around and end up in our lap...Harrison Signature Services

  24. Save yourself the aggravation and do not partner up with Seeing Angels Two by Two. Good grief, even the name is ridiculous. They are simply a parasitic element of the whole convoluted employment set-up that Arise has master-minded as a business model. Arise and SATBT are not in business to do you a favor. They are in it to make money - off of your hard work. Trust me, you will be the only one paying out for this "partnership". There are many other choices now for work at home, independent contractor and otherwise, that do not charge tuition-level fees to train you. In fact, they pay you for the training. Do your research! You will find that there are plenty of other options out there. Arise and the whole VSC/IBO baloney are quickly becoming passe. They've ripped off enough people, and it's coming back to bite them. You won't find too many happy reviews on either company nowadays, so don't go down with the ship. Save your money.

  25. Most people on this blog is idiotic. I work for SATBT & I couldn't be more stable in my job working from home. These are just jealous outsiders who don't know crap from fiction. Lol...good luck losers!

  26. I'm wanting to warn others so they do not make the mistake I made in trusting what I believe is a bad IBO.

    I signed up with Seeing Angels Two By Two in early 2018. I serviced a total of 4 clients with them. Never once was I ever told they do not pay what the client pays. So from day one they pocketed off of my hourly rate with each client...... not to mention any incentives.

    I started servicing a client in January and discovered a HUGE dispute in hours. I was shorted almost 6 hrs. I reached out to them and was told that out of 17 hrs I had selected for the week, I sat in ACW for 5.87hrs ( over 2 hrs on 2 different days)

    We alllll know that NO ONE would sit in ACW for over 2 hrs on a shift without being kicked..... well I pulled my call history on the client and sent screenshots to my IBO showing the times "I was in acw" I was on the phone and talking to customers. It showed the phone number as well as dates, times and call durations!!

    They replied back to me that the platform and client investigated it and went over it several times and found in favor of the platform and the client and that I was not at all servicing. They never sent me proof they disputed with Arise only a copy/pasted text that read something about they investigated and was determined the client was correct and I was not. No screenshot or anything to show and prove what they were sent....

    Well it's hard to claim that when the clients own phone log showed my CSP # on calls.

    I gave my IBO notice shortly after that when I saw they shorted me again that I was leaving and becoming my own IBO....

    They said I must wait until April 1st to be released... even though I expressed staying with them was a hardship on my family and I had a pending legal issue and needed released ASAP....

    I registered my business on the 26th on the platform since I had no hours selected since the 21st and was not scheduled to service again until April 1st...... I then received the following email....

    There is nothing I needed to do with them and the platform to switch my payroll from them to my own.... I do that directly on the platform.... I enter my business banking info... they dont have that info nor are they privileged to my business banking information!!!

    I started researching them online and discovered several complaints, one was eerily similar to my experience and even found allegations made against one of the owners that is VERY disturbing.

    Each time I have spoken to Becky, i believe she has this extremely boastful, almost narcissistic attitude about how shes been a premier with the platform for over 10 yrs and knows many of the employees at Arise and "has contacts" within the company.....

    I am just disgusted with my experience and find it disturbing they believe they should keep a final check knowing my financial situation over the past few months, that my city is under a mayor's order to shelter in place and my family is in quarantine right now. Especially when there were no hours due to her since the 21st and I released in the 26th.....

    **edited to add**

    I also reached out MULTIPLE times about the new SOW for my client and was told it hadn't been received yet. I found this to be a LIE. It had been sent and when I did the registration for my company my current SOW (set to end March 31st) and the new one (April 1st) were both there lending me to sign.... they had my new SOW for at least a week.... when I inquired last week about it the response I received from the accounting dept (asking me if I was still becoming my own ibo) made me believe they were not sending it since I was registering as my own IBO on the 1st.

    They also sent me a lengthy email when I informed them I was wanting to end my relationship with them last month, in what appeared (imo) as a very poor attempt to deter me from the choice I had already made....


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