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Work at Home with RevTwt on Twitter

Twitter is a huge social media site that is just booming with action and popularity. That's why a new company has decided to give you a little cash for posting your tweets or tweetering frequently. RevTwt is offering cold, hard cash for simply telling other people around the opportunity. Interesting, to say the least.

How RevTwt Works:

Simply create a free account with RevTwt and confirm your Twitter account with them. From there you are referred to as a RevTwt publisher and RevTwt will let you know when they need you to post something for money to your followers. Your first action is to simply click-through to post about RevTwt to however many followers you currently have. You will need to leave that particular tweet up on your personal Twitter for at least 48 hours though so don't delete it right away. After the initial tweet you are presented with other possibilities for income from other clients who want their new companies tweeted about. For each click you receive from your tweet you earn money.

What the Pay is Like:

You're likely not going to make a living with RevTwt but a few extra dollars every week is still great. Some tweets will earn you only pennies per click while others have great cash opportunities. Remember, you need followers that will click on your links so that you can generate money from the tweets. Payments are made through PayPal, of course.

Wait...MUST Click the Ads?:

Yes. You get paid PER CLICK but not per tweet. If you only have 10 followers and nobody clicks on your ad link then you will not get paid any money. You must have followers who read your content and follow the links you suggest. Otherwise, this opportunity is simply not going to work out for you.

Sign-up and Join RevTwt:

RevTwt is offering free account activation currently so click this link to start earning income at home with RevTwt on Twitter. The account will take only minutes to confirm and you can get to work right away. Remember to click the link that allows you to sign-up as a publisher so that you can get paid to tweet. As an added bonus, RevTwt has now added the opportunity to make money on Facebook through posting ads on your wall. Again, you must get you friends to click the ads. Check it out today. It's like free money for doing what you're already doing--really get paid to post on twitter!

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