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Work at Home with ToneADay

ToneADay by Lymbix is creating a new piece of software to insert into e-mails for clients. This software helps alert the writer to potentially harmful words within their mail they are sending out to others. ToneADay allows online, English-speaking users to sign-up for a free account and test themselves on emotional responses to various words. It sounds easy enough!
ToneADay has already gotten some bad publicity but I decided to give it a go this week anyway. I've found that they're not a scam after all. It was simply a matter of a new organization getting their poop in a group, if I may say so myself. Now that ToneADay is more organized than ever it is the best time to sign-up for this work at home opportunity. Payments are immediate now that they have their once-a-month plan down-pat.

How ToneADay Works:

First you will have to create a free user account to take a short test. The test will consist of about 100 random words that you will have to rank in your emotional response. The ranking comes from a list of 8 basic emotional responses. The list looks like this:

- Affection/Friendliness
- Enjoyment/Elation
- Amusement/Excitement
- Contentment/Gratitude
- Sadness/Grief
- Anger/Loathing
- Fear/Uneasiness
- Humiliation/Shame

From there you will move sliders across each emotion to explain how the word makes you react. For example: "Hate" may spur emotions of fear and anger. You will slide those two words to an appropriate level of each emotion you feel when hearing or thinking of the specific word "hate."

Once you've given the all-clear that your test is over it will go through a short evaluation process. ToneADay is looking for individuals that meet their particular requirements based on social norms. We have to keep in mind that some people have the wrong emotional response to some basic words based on previous experiences. Anyway, the evaluation should only take 24 to 48 hours and then you can cash out for your first time. If you're accepted for more evaluations then you can work up to 500 words a day.

What the Pay is Like:

Payment is fairly simple. ToneADay offers only $.02 USD per word you rate. Within the 100 words you test for you will earn $2.00 though. That payment is sent directly to your PayPal account as soon as your evaluation is completed. Beyond that, payment gets a little tricky. You are put into subcategories of words they have grouped. Cash-out happens once a month through PayPal and here are the requirements you must meet:

*Qualifying Level: $2 minimum payout
1. Emotional Wellness Level: $30 minimum payout. (lowered from $50)
2. Emotional Purpose level: $20 minimum payout.
3. Emotional Competence: $10 minimum payout.
4. Emotional Wisdom: $4 minimum payout.
5. Qualified Rater: $1 minimum payout.

Once you reach each payment level you will be asked to donate at least 10% of your earnings to a non-profit organization. At the moment, you can choose to donate to the American Red Cross Association or Kiva. This being said, your first initial cash out will only be $1.80--but payment is immediate.

Wait...a Required 10% Donation?

I know, it feels like you might be getting ripped off but relax. You can still include these deductions on your tax forms since they are to legitimate non-profit organizations. You can chose whichever organization you send the 10% income to so it isn't like they're forcing you to go with only one fishy outfit you've never heard of before. This is ToneADay's way of giving back to the community. If you think of it, this 10% is nothing in the long-run and you're helping out your fellow man by just rating a few words each day.

Sign-up and Join ToneADay:

ToneADay won't take you any time to create an account or get your base assessment done. You can create your account today by clicking this link to the work at home ToneADay website. You absolutely must pass your first 100, or so, words so make sure you give it some thought as you're signing-up so that you can get that done as soon as possible. Try it out today and see what you can earn in just a few minutes of your time. It's a great deal for any work at home mom or dad that is looking for another egg in their basket. Heck, it's just using your basic instincts, knowledge, and vocabulary. Even if you don't earn a whole lot of money it can be a great way to just relax.


  1. It sounds like a legit opportunity, but I'm always pretty skeptical of new sites like those. I think I'm going to wait it out a bit until they become a bit more popular before I decide if I want to join. It definitely is an easy way to make a quick couple of bucks for that first test though! I'm not a fan of the high payout levels after that however. :/

    I have mixed feelings about this one.. but good review! :)

    TriNi @ Make Money Online Free

  2. Thanks, TriNi!

    I'd like to note that there is really nothing to lose from doing something like this in my eyes. They don't ask for any upfront payments or personal information to collect so there's really no risk in having your identity stolen or being scammed out of any amount of cash.

    It took me, literally, just a few minutes to "evaluate" the selected words they provided to me. I very well could have done something else with my time but I figured 10 minutes tops lost isn't really that bad in the whole scheme of things. I figured somebody has to test the waters sometime anyway ;)

    With that said, I certainly wouldn't work my heart out at first until I saw payment first time. I just went through this with a few work at home opportunities I've found online. The key really is to take things slow at first. If you don't mind wasting 30 minutes on a possible job lead then it's a great way to see how their payment system functions in the real world.

    I'm not sure what the set rules for working at home on the internet are but I have set a few of my own. I'm not going to do anything that requires upfront payments. I'm not going to start something and go in blazing with full loyalty and dedication without giving it a "test run" first. I will report them to the appropriate places if they're doing something scammish (ie: there is a particular work at home "job" that requires you to click on Adsense ads. That's a big no-no with Google).

    I'm glad others have their own set of rules. Like you, if something sounds too good to be true or a bit fishy then it's best to just wait it out and see what things pan out to be. I wish more people would use their heads like that in more situations so that they wouldn't lose money to people who are just absolutely careless and greedy.

    Anyway, I've rambled enough. Thank you very much for your input. I really appreciate it a lot!

  3. ToneADay has definitely been having its share of teething problems. I think it really underestimated how many people would join.

    I'm not sure if all those levels still exist since they've recently changed when people get paid. It's apparently now once a month regardless of how much you've built up. I thought it was at the end of every month, but I requested a payment today and got it almost instantly in my Paypal account, so I really don't know what the rules are anymore (though I'm, of course, happy I got paid!)

    Take care and good luck this month.

  4. Thanks, Ebele!

    I will be sending them a message to see if they have anything to say about the new rules regarding payment then. I was under the impression that it was once a month if you met the requirements each month, but, of course, I'm new there so you would know better than I.

  5. The link is no longer valid. It comes up with a 'server not found' error message


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